
Tuesday 24 July 2012

10 tips to optimize your blogging

10 tips to optimize your blogging
How long you have not optimized your blog?
Optimizing a website is a continuous task. Everything changes, your blog, the main theme of your posts, perhaps the design, the interest of your readers, etc.. - So you also blog should be adapted.
I propose in this post 10 tips to optimize your blog and get more hits from people interested in your content:
Optimize your blog every 1-2 weeks
so you have time to see the results of your changes. If you optimize every day then you do not know what it was that worked well, or maybe one of your changes down the access.
Check out your stats (Google Analytics or whatever)
look good keywords (keywords) with which visitors come from search engines. Are they relevant keywords for your blog? Do over a month, which keyword never appears but should appear here? Is the topic of your blog is tuning cars but the word "pimp" never comes? Optimize your tickets!
Check your categories and tags
When you look at your categories and tags, do you need all of you? Is worthless to have 250 labels and 50 categories if it is possible to collect the entries in 30 categories and 150 labels to good. We'll discuss the topic of labels in a separate entry, because I think a very little comment in the blogosphere.
Link your entries older
What you write today may also be true for tomorrow, especially if you are the type of sustainable inputs. A problem with blogs is that many users subscribe to your RSS feed but it no longer read your older posts. If you refer often to entries that you've written before, get more visibility for all your entries.
Contact other users
A blog is not something that works by itself, a blog is a tool to communicate and contact with others. Therefore, to optimize your blog is essential to keep in touch with other users and bloggers via Twitter, e-mail, etc.. - These are the relationships and friendships that later help you when in doubt, need feedback for a new design, or want to promote a special project.
Participate in discussions
The blogosphere is a space for discussion, so for each subject usually up discussions. In these discussions you should participate first in your own blog, but also in the comment sections on other blogs (always with a link to an entry in your blog where you explain your point of view).
Time expressions modify
Many bloggers include in their entries temporal expressions such as "Yesterday I spoke with ..." or have an event "the weekend" - these expressions are worth well to a recent entry, but should disappear from the tickets oldest . It is recommended to re-take a look at the latest posts every 2-3 weeks to remove or modify the text to "neutralize" the temporal expression that is still worth a few months later.
Includes a special
After a while a blog is in danger of becoming boring and monotonous. To prevent that from happening, I recommend inviting other bloggers to write guest entries (guest posts) on your blog, do interviews with experts in the blogosphere or the subject of your blog, enter competitions. - Everything you can think it is something special compared to the entries public often is good.
Stresses good
all write entries also very good and then publish posts that do not fully comply with the requirements for a quality entry. The important thing is that when you write an entry that went well and perhaps has provoked an interesting discussion, highlight it in your sidebar or link to it from other entries.
Try to be different
people talk about diversity. If you want to succeed with your blog, one must be different in some way distinguished from all others. If you can find a way unique to you, others talk about you and your blog and much of the advocacy work that at first you have to currar you, then so will your community.
Both the blog to keep, like your blogging process and all that often need to be optimized. Only an optimized blog has the ability to become something big.
And you, how you optimize your blog ?

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